GIT Tasks 
# filter logs by date range
[acool@acool topsecret-host]$ git log --date=iso --pretty=format:"%ad %H - %an: %s" --after="2014-06-01" --until="2014-11-31" > commits-2014-06-to-2014-11.txt

//revert your working copy
git rm -r .
git checkout SHA1 .
//or (irreversible)
get reset --hard SHA1

//New repository(execute in project directory) (..I think git clone does this)
git init

//Listing, creating or deleting branches
git branch

//Changing branches
git checkout

//Committing changes
git commit

//Download remote repository
git clone

//Updating local repository
git pull //it fetches and merges remote repository with local repository (equals to: git fetch & git merge)

//Uploading local repository to remote repository
git push

//To see status and log entries run:
git status
git log
git log --stat SHA1
git log --name-status SHA1
git log -n 1 //last commit


...another workflow example:

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2024 By Angel Cool