Awesome Phrases, Sayings and Quotes! 
Creativity is limitless. Use and abuse your brain wisely, that's what it's meant for. --AngelCool

Hay ciertas cosas que en los libros no vienen de pronto aparecen pero que hay que saber. --Jarabe De Palo

The Only Thing That Never Changes Is That Everything Is Always Changing. --web

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. --Leonardo da Vinci

KISS --US Navy

Keep it simple, it'll become complicated by itself. --me & web

Work hard, Play Hard. --web

The man who does not work for the love of work but only for money is not likely to make money nor find much fun in life. --Charles Schwab

You don't have to be faster than the bear, you just have to be faster than the slowest guy running from the bear. [ :( for that guy ] --?

Don't let your ego get too close to your position, so that if your position gets shot down, your ego doesn't go with it. --Colin Powell

...more coming :)

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Professional To-Do list 
My To Do list:

Short term goals:
- Electronics and Computer Engineering Technology A.S.
- Master CCNP routing/switching (CCIE ?)
- English vocabulary section (blog)
- Keep on updating tutorial section

Long term goals:
- CCNA Wireless (CCNP ?)
- CCNA Voice (CCNP ?)
- Computer Science/Software Engineer B.S.
- Renew real estate license (for site below ;).
- APIs: ebay,facebook,amazon,google, etc.

..maybe more

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Facebook Page 
Find me in Facebook.

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Moonbeam - Reaching beyond the stars! 
Moonbeam! Relax and enjoy, music for the soul. These Russian guys really make me think outside the box, the best. You should really check them out.

Around the world
Storm of Clouds (Sky !)

...and podcasts.

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About my blog. 
Welcome to my blog.

I needed a place to put all helpful little things, to be available at all times; specially when I have something in my mind and know I know it, so I created this blog share. I added a tutorial section, it helps me remember how to do things (if I start updating it,jk).

Enjoy!. Angel

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2025 By Angel Cool