PHP Easter Egg 
file.php?=PHPB8B5F2A0-3C92-11d3-A3A9-4C7B08C10000 - PHP Credits
PHPE9568F34-D428-11d2-A769-00AA001ACF42 - PHP Logo
PHPE9568F35-D428-11d2-A769-00AA001ACF42 - Zend Logo
PHPE9568F36-D428-11d2-A769-00AA001ACF42 - Easter Egg

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.htaccess notes 
# This will pop-up a user/password dialog box saying Realm =
AuthName "Restricted Area"

# AuthType is normally basic. Not very secure until "Digest" type becomes prevalent
AuthType basic

# If value of AuthUserFile doesn't begin with a slash, it is treated as
# relative to the ServerRoot (not DocumentRoot!)
AuthUserFile "/userhome/blahBlah/.htpasswd"
AuthGroupFile "/userhome/blahBlah/.htgroup"

#Custom icons
AddIcon /icons/binary.gif .bin .exe
AddIcon /icons/text.gif .txt
AddIcon /icons/uuencoded.gif .uu
AddIcon /icons/hand.right.gif README
AddIcon /icons/folder.gif ^^DIRECTORY^^
AddIcon /icons/blank.gif ^^BLANKICON^^
# If no file type matches..
DefaultIcon /icons/unknown.gif

...more to come.

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Populating a PDF file with XFDF using PDFTK command. 
pdftk InvoiceTemplate.pdf fill_form InvoiceData.xfdf output - flatten > InvoiceXXXX.pdf

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Multiple NAT translations with NVI (NAT Virtual Interface) 
NVI removes the inside & outside terminology. With NVI multiple interfaces can participate in the translation. Before you cannot have translation with two INSIDE interfaces, NVI fixes that. ... natvi.html

Basic configuration(no VRF enable):

int fa 0
  ip nat enable
int fa 1
  ip nat enable
int serial 0
  ip nat enable

ip nat source list 50 interface serial 0 overload //translate fa 0 & fa 1 lans out serial 0
ip nat source list 125 interface fa 0 overload //translate fa 1's lan out fa 0
ip nat source static tcp 80 interface serial 0 80 //translate web server out serial 0

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Router IOS Firewall: Allow only internal hosts to initiate a TCP session. 

access-list 100 permit tcp any any gt 1023 established

interface e0
ip access-group 100 in

"UDP packets don't establish a connection, they're literally fire and forget! A simple permit udp host xx.xx.xx.xx host xx.xx.xx.xx eq xx should be all that's required."

See Cisco document id 26448

Also see:

Reflexive ACLs
ip inspect command.

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T1 Crossover Connection 
Connecting two routers back to back using their T1-DSU/CSU ports.

Cards and pin layout:

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JavaScript OR when assigning value to variable 
<script type="text/javascript">

x=false || 'test';
alert(x);//outputs 'test';


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Regular Expressions Notes 
. matches any one character
[] character class, matches one character; gr[ae]y matches gray or grey
[^] matches any character not listed.

[1-6] is the same as [123456], which matches any number from 1 to six
[^0-9a-fA-F] is the same as [^0123456abcdefABCDEF], wich matches any character NOT hexadecimal

^ matches start of line
$ matches end of line
\b marches word boundaries

| logic OR, matches either expression it separates, second|2nd matches second or 2nd
() expression grouping, gr(a|e)y matches gray or grey

? matches one optional, Angela? matches Angel and Angela
* matches any amount OK, a*
+ matches at least one, a+

{0,1} the same as ?, a{0,1} the a is optional
{0,10} minimum zero, maximum ten; a{0,10}
{5,8} minumum five, maximum eight.

// Greedy quantifiers
String match = find("A.*c", "AbcAbc"); // AbcAbc
match = find("A.+", "AbcAbc"); // AbcAbc

// Nongreedy quantifiers
match = find("A.*?c", "AbcAbc"); // Abc
match = find("A.+?", "AbcAbc"); // Abc

// Look arounds
//positive lookahead: match Cent only if followed by OS

// negative lookahead: match Cent only if not followed by OS

// postive lookbehind: match OS only if preceded by Cent

// negative lookbehind: match OS only if not preceded by Cent


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CCNA Review Notes (exam 640-802) 
Click on related link to view notes.

VLAN & Trunking

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2024 By Angel Cool