Minicom: Connecting to Cisco router console port 
1)yum install minicom

2)dmesg|grep ttyp //see what serial ports are available

2)minicom -s //configuration mode

3)select "Serial port setup" option

4)select "A" and enter desired serial port

5)select "E" and specify "C" and "Q" options (9600 8N1)

6)make sure "F" is YES and "G" is NO (hardware flow control only),on previous screen

7)save setup as CISCO

8)run it: [root@localhost ~]# minicom CISCO


For step 2 /dev/ttyS0 worked (that's a zero), and NO Hardware Flow control made pressing enter work, restarted AP and I notice messages were appearing on screen, but hitting enter will not have any results, changing Hardware Flow Control to NO fixed it.

/dev/ttyUSB0 also worked :)

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