#include <stdio.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#include <locale.h>
// multibyte array, each character is 4 bytes long
wchar_t mystring[] = L"Angel Cool á 🤪 😁 ა";
// [acool@localhost other]$ gcc -Wall -ggdb emoji-multibyte-array.c -o emoji-multibyte-array
int main()
// print total number of characters in string
wprintf(L"wcslen of wchar_t mystring[]: %ld\n", wcslen(mystring));
// output string
// print one character
wprintf(L"Emoji : %lc\n", mystring[13]);
// print all
for (int j = 0; j < wcslen(mystring); ++j)
wprintf(L"%lc,", mystring[j]);
// size in bytes of string, it also includes 4 bytes for the null (\0) characters at the end it seems
wprintf(L"Size in bytes of mystring[]: %d\n", sizeof(mystring));
// print size of wchar_t data type
wprintf(L"wchar_t is %d bytes long!\n", sizeof(wchar_t));
return 0;
[acool@localhost other]$ date
Sat Oct 22 12:05:24 PM PDT 2022
[acool@localhost other]$ gcc emoji-multibyte-array.c
[acool@localhost other]$ ./a.out
wcslen of wchar_t mystring[]: 18
Angel Cool á 🤪 😁 ა
Emoji : 🤪
A,n,g,e,l, ,C,o,o,l, ,á, ,🤪, ,😁, ,ა,
Size in bytes of mystring[]: 76
wchar_t is 4 bytes long!
[acool@localhost other]$
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